Masoala Forest Lodge

Masoala Forest Lodge

Masoala Forest Lodge is located on the Masoala peninsula of the same name, which is Madagascar's largest remaining lowland rainforest. Accessible only by boat, the lodge is a perfect Robinson retreat, lovingly built over two decades by modern adventurers Pierre and Maria Bester. The seven tented rooms are built on wooden decks in the treetops and offer a view of the beach through the lush greenery. Enjoy your days at the lodge, relax on the beach and wander through the rainforest in search of Madagascar's unique endemic animals.

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    from 625 € per person/night*

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    Best time to travel

    April - October


The only seven rooms are traditional African safari tents, built on stilts in the forest canopy and overlooking the beach. The cool breeze from the ocean or through the rainforest acts as a natural air conditioning system, with the tents and their gauze windows oriented to maximize airflow. As you lie in bed listening to the gentle sound of the ocean on the golden beach or the rustling of the leaves in the rainforest, you can simply leave the hectic energy of the city behind.
Hütte auf Stelzen zwischen den Palmen
Bett in einem Zimmer
Terrasse mit einer roten Hängematte


The cuisine at Masoala Forest Lodge is as enchanting as the surroundings. The central “Beach House” serves lunch and dinner and offers a pleasant atmosphere with comfortable seating and a well-stocked natural history library. The Sea Deck, overlooking the lodge's small bay, is the perfect place to enjoy breakfast and afternoon tea.
Hütte am Strand mit Hängematte
gedeckte Tische auf eine Holzterrasse mit Blick auf das Meer


Die Masoala Forest Lodge liegt auf der abgelegenen Masoala-Halbinsel im Nordosten Madagaskars und beherbergt den größten verbliebenen Tieflandregenwald der Inselwelt. Um in die Lodge zu gelangen ist erst ein Charterflug nötig, bevor es anschließend mit dem Boot durch die Inselwelt bis zu Lodge weiter geht. Bedingt durch die Charterflüge ist ein min. Aufenthalt von 3 Nächten erforderlich. Die Lodge selbst ist so gut im Küstenwald versteckt, dass sie vom Meer aus kaum zu sehen ist.
Strand mit Kajak aus der Luft fotografiert
Hütte von Bäumen versteckt am Strand
Lodge im Wald versteckt vom Meer fotografiert


At Masoala Forest Lodge, guests can enjoy a variety of activities. Explore the lush rainforests on guided hikes and discover rare lemurs and colorful birds. Snorkeling and diving in the clear bay reveal the fascinating underwater world with its coral reefs. Kayaking along the coast and through mangrove forests offers a unique perspective on nature. Depending on the season, humpback whales pass by the bay. A visit to the island of Nosy Mangabe rounds off the experience, where tiny Brookesia chameleons and camouflaged leaf-tailed geckos await you.
Lemur zwischen den Ästen
2 Personen am Strand
Kajak in den Mangroven