Baobabs aus der Luft

Best of Madagascar

Luxury fly-in Madagascar trip

Luxury fly-in Madagascar trip

On this trip, you will experience the best that Madagascar has to offer. From the lively capital Antananarivo, affectionately known as Tana, to the remote areas in the north-west of the country. Here, lemurs leap through the gardens and are probably just as curious as the two-legged visitors. The Anjajavy Reserve is characterised by its impressive biodiversity. Dense dry forests, mangroves and unspoilt beaches and again and again you can find lemur species that only occur in this region. A special highlight awaits at the end of the trip. The island of Nosy Ankao is only accessible by helicopter. The flight itself is a real experience. Enjoy carefree days in the island paradise, go on an exploration tour under and above the water, simply relax and forget time and space.

  • euro icon


    from 34.375  € per person plus flights

  • calendar icon

    Best time to travel

    April to December

  • plane icon

    Flight time

    14h from Frankfurt a.M.

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    Recommended Duration

    from 11 days

Plan your individual trip

We plan your trip individually for you

Your 11-day round trip could look like this

viele Haeuser an Haengen gebaut


Welcome to Antananarivo

Welcome to Madagascar! Tana sits enthroned on a majestic mountain range at an altitude of around 1400 metres. The town has a rich historical heritage, which is complemented by picturesque landscapes and a large network of marvellous hiking trails. You will spend your first night here.

Luftaufnahme eines Strandabschnitts mit Wald und einem Pool


Nature paradise Anjajavy

Today you will take a charter flight to Anjajavy. Anjajavy le Lodge protects a 960-hectare private reserve and manages a 10,000-hectare national conservation area that includes seven types of natural habitats. The lodge works closely with the local population to conserve and partially restore the local Malagasy biodiversity and ecosystems as well as the cultural heritage of Anjajavy. There are a variety of activities on offer such as hikes, safaris and water activities.

Luftaufnahme einer Resortanlage am Strand


Island Dream Time + Tide Miavana

Mit dem Charterflieger werden Sie heute Richtung Nordwesten geflogen. Am Flughafen angekommen, steigen Sie um in den Helikopter. Vor der Nordostküste Madagaskars liegt ein abgelegenes und exotisches Inselparadies, die größte Insel des Levens-Archipels. Unberührte, weißen Sandstrände über Wasser - unter dem kristallklaren Wasser: eine Weltklasse-Meereswelt mit lebhaften Korallenriffen, die zu unvergesslichen Tauch- und Schnorchelausflügen einladen. Die Insel beherbergt über hundert Lemurenarten sowie faszinierende Kreaturen wie Riesen- und Zwergchamäleons, stachelige Echidnas und die fesselnden Aye-Aye. Ein Ort zum Verweilen!

Baobab Baeume im Sonnenuntergang



Today you have to say goodbye to the island paradise. The helicopter takes you back to the main island. From here you will board your return flight.

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