Grüne Landschaft mit überschwemmten Ebenen

Naturparadies in Botswana

Der beste Ort für unvergessliche Safari-Abenteuer? Genau hier! Der im Nordosten Botswanas gelegenen Chobe Nationalpark gilt als eine der artenreichsten Regionen im Süden Afrikas. Auf über 10.000 Quadratkilometern Gesamtfläche erwartet Sie zudem eine landschaftliche Vielfalt, die begeistert. Sandige Ebenen treffen auf tropische Vegetation, tiefblaue Flüsse auf einsame Sümpfe. Der perfekte Lebensraum für riesige Elefantenherden und die berühmten Big Five. Halten Sie Fernglas und Action-Cam bereit und sammeln Sie Erinnerungen für die Ewigkeit.

Written by: Dana Leidel Last updated at: September 11, 2024

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Best time to travel













The wildlife paradise around the Chobe River

Imagine a world where the earth trembles under the hooves of thousands of elephants, where the horizon is marked by majestic rivers and vast, untouched landscapes. Chobe National Park in Botswana is just such a paradise, a place where nature exists in its purest form and adventure lurks around every corner. Not only is this park home to Africa's largest elephant population, it also boasts an impressive variety of wildlife that gathers along the life-giving Chobe River.

The eponymous river meanders like a blue ribbon through the most popular part of the Chobe National Park. At the same time, the Chobe River forms the northern border of the game reserve located in the quadrangle of Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Four ecosystems with diverse flora and fauna make this region of the country unique - and attractive for countless wild animals.

Chobe River Front

The Chobe River Front is the beating heart of the national park and one of the most easily accessible regions. Here, travelers can experience the wildlife up close on a safari in an open off-road vehicle or on a boat trip. Especially in the last weeks of the dry season, the Chobe River attracts huge herds of elephant and buffalo. Lions, cheetahs and spotted hyenas roam the densely wooded area in search of prey. Hippos and crocodiles frolic in the water. The setting sun bathes the river in golden colors and offers a spectacular panorama for photographers and nature enthusiasts.

Ein Hippo steht im flachen Fluss zusammen mit einem Baby Hippo

Savuti Region

There is also a breathtaking natural spectacle along the banks of the Savuti River in the west of the park. The Savuti region is famous for its rugged, untouched landscape and the dramatic predator behavior that can be observed here. Lions, which specialize in hunting elephants, and the clever hyenas, which do not stray far from the herds, make for exciting encounters - and you can be there live on game drives in an open off-road vehicle.

Löwenmama zusammen mit zwei Löwenkindern

Linyanti Wetlands

The Linyanti Swamps are a hidden gem in the northern part of the park. Between mopane forests and papyrus bushes, hundreds of bird species find a protected habitat. Antelopes, wild dogs and zebras also feel at home in the lush greenery, which is reminiscent of the flood plains of the Okavango Delta. In the Linyanti Swamps, where water flows all year round, visitors can also experience an impressive collection of wildlife during the dry season. This region provides a breathtaking backdrop for game drives and walking safaris that take you deep into the heart of the African wilderness.

Elefant steht am Ufer und trinkt

Nogatsaa Region

Off the beaten track lies Nogatsaa and Tchinga, a drier region that comes to life especially in the rainy season. The waterholes, which are filled after the rains, attract a variety of animals that gather here to drink. Nogatsaa offers a very different scenery and wildlife viewing to the riverine areas and is ideal for those seeking solitude and tranquillity in the wilderness.

Leopard wandert über die trockene Savanne

Activities in Chobe National Park: In harmony with nature

Wake up to the song of the bush birds and fall asleep happily with thousands of new impressions before your eyes! Nature determines the daily routine in Chobe National Park. Let yourself in - to the heartbeat of this untouched idyll that stimulates, challenges and soothes all the senses.

Game drives in a jeep

The early morning hours are dedicated to classic game drives. Together with experienced rangers, you will discover the best spots for game viewing. On the road in an open off-road vehicle, you are optimally protected - and at the same time right in the middle of the action. In the afternoon, there is the opportunity for further safari drives on the trail of the Big Five.

Guided walking safaris

Alternatively, you can accompany your guides on bush walks, which will sharpen your eye for the small details. Just like in the camps and safari lodges, the same applies here: Going it alone is not recommended. After all, the wild animals move freely on familiar terrain without any fences.

Boat trips and historical sightseeing

A river trip in a motorized boat is particularly atmospheric. Watch elephant families bathing in the Chobe River in the late afternoon hours - including water-spouting trunks against an impressive safari backdrop. Would you like to delve deeper into the fascinating culture of Chobe National Park? Marvel at the historic rock paintings in the Savute Hills.

Chobe National Park: The best time to travel

Chobe National Park is generally considered a worthwhile destination all year round.Many safari enthusiasts first visit the region during the dry season between May and November. During this period, the density of wildlife around the Chobe River is particularly high. The sparsely vegetated plains also offer the best views of elephants, ungulates and big cats.

The rainy season between December and April is characterized by short, heavy downpours. At the same time, the horizon is particularly impressive with its rapid changes between sunshine and clouds. Many travelers also find the cooler average temperatures and fewer visitors pleasant. With waterproof rainwear, safari activities are also possible at this time of year.

Combinations for your round trip

Its convenient location in the quadrangle of Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe makes Chobe National Park the ideal base for round trips. The Victoria Falls on the Zambezi River are only about an hour's drive away. The city of Kasane, located north of the national park, is easily accessible by direct flight from Johannesburg and many other locations.

Would you like to combine your safari trip with other destinations on the African continent? We would be happy to design a customized itinerary for you - packed with scenic, cultural and exclusive highlights.

Safaris in Chobe National Park

Lassen Sie sich von unseren Botswana Reisen inspirieren. Wir passen gerne jede Reise auf Ihre Wünsche und Vorstellungen an.

Landschaft bei Sonnenuntergang mit Elefanten und Berge im Hintergrund
Luxury Safari: Victoria Falls to Okavango Delta
Botswana and Zimbabwe safari | Duration: from 9 days
  • The famous Victoria Falls
  • Fly-in safari to the Okavango Delta
  • Luxurious camps in the middle of the national park

from 17.300 € per Person excl. flights

 Mother elephant with small elephant
Botswana's exclusive family safari
Botswana safari | Duration: from 9 days
  • Flying safari: fly from lodge to lodge in a small plane
  • Exciting safari activities
  • Family-friendly lodges

on request

Lodges in Chobe National Park

Nächtigen Sie in den schönsten und exklusivsten Lodges in Botswana und machen Sie Ihre Safari noch unvergesslicher

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